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Neath Art and Literature Festival is a celebration of the arts across South Wales. Taking place in October 2023, the festival encompassed art, literature, music and performing arts. The festival was run by a core group of individuals with relevant experience and a passion for increasing access to arts and culture in economically deprived areas.


Alice in Wonderland Exhbition
19th - 22nd October
An exhibition of art celebrating 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' by Lewis Carroll.
Arddangosfa o gelf yn dathlu 'Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hud' gan Lewis Carroll.
An exhibition of art celebrating 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' by Lewis Carroll.
Arddangosfa o gelf yn dathlu 'Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hud' gan Lewis Carroll.

Josef Herman Exhibition
18th - 22nd October
Taking place during the festival we will have a lovely selection of work by Josef Herman kindly provided by The Josef Herman Foundation. The exhibition will be on display at Neath Town Hall from 18 - 22 October. Opening 5:30 pm 18 October
Taking place during the festival we will have a lovely selection of work by Josef Herman kindly provided by The Josef Herman Foundation. The exhibition will be on display at Neath Town Hall from 18 - 22 October. Opening 5:30 pm 18 October

Neath Art Fair
20th - 22nd October

Wild Places. Iolo Williams
18th October
Iolo Williams talk.
Wild Places
Wednesday 18th October 2023, at 7pm Neath Rugby Club.
Iolo Williams will be choosing highlights of his favourite wildlife sites from his books Wild Places and Wild Places UK.
He'll take the audience from the gannets of Hermaness in the far north of Scotland all the way down to the London Wetlands reserve and its incredible array of urban wildlife.
On the way, he’ll look at Caledonian pine forests, montane uplands, wetlands, and offshore islands, all of which support some of the best wildlife Britain has to offer.
Price £20.
Venue: Neath Rugby Club, Gnoll Park Road, NEATH, SA11 3BU
Date: 18th October 2023
Time: 7pm
Book in advance
Iolo Williams talk.
Wild Places
Wednesday 18th October 2023, at 7pm Neath Rugby Club.
Iolo Williams will be choosing highlights of his favourite wildlife sites from his books Wild Places and Wild Places UK.
He'll take the audience from the gannets of Hermaness in the far north of Scotland all the way down to the London Wetlands reserve and its incredible array of urban wildlife.
On the way, he’ll look at Caledonian pine forests, montane uplands, wetlands, and offshore islands, all of which support some of the best wildlife Britain has to offer.
Price £20.
Venue: Neath Rugby Club, Gnoll Park Road, NEATH, SA11 3BU
Date: 18th October 2023
Time: 7pm
Book in advance

Will Roberts Exhibition
18 - 21 October
Opening talk by Sian Roberts at St David's Church on Wednesday 18th October at 11am.
Open 10am - 4pm daily.
Free Entry
Opening talk by Sian Roberts at St David's Church on Wednesday 18th October at 11am.
Open 10am - 4pm daily.
Free Entry

The Morriston Orpheus
Saturday 21st October
7pm St Thomas Church, Neath
This internationally-acclaimed Welsh male choir enjoys a reputation as a leading exponent of male choral singing. Formed in 1935, it now draws its members from across south Wales
Under its Musical Director Conal Bembridge-Sayers, the choir performs a wide variety of music in English, Welsh and other languages. Conal, who was appointed in September 2021, is building on the Choir’s enviable reputation, with a vast repertoire that includes gospel music, West End favorites, operatic pieces, religious material, and of course the Welsh classics.
The choir values its community involvement, regularly performing at charity fundraisers and local events. It also hosts an annual Christmas concert, which has become a much-loved tradition in the South Wales area.
If you’re lucky enough to catch one of their concerts, you’ll hear the powerful sound of up to 100 male voices. Our performances are truly unforgettable, and we promise to leave you with a lasting musical memory.
Price £15
Proceeds from this concert will be donated to Prostrate Cancer UK.
Venue: St Thomas Church, Church Pl, Neath SA11 3LL
Date: Saturday 21st October 2023
Time: 7pm
Price £15.00
7pm St Thomas Church, Neath
This internationally-acclaimed Welsh male choir enjoys a reputation as a leading exponent of male choral singing. Formed in 1935, it now draws its members from across south Wales
Under its Musical Director Conal Bembridge-Sayers, the choir performs a wide variety of music in English, Welsh and other languages. Conal, who was appointed in September 2021, is building on the Choir’s enviable reputation, with a vast repertoire that includes gospel music, West End favorites, operatic pieces, religious material, and of course the Welsh classics.
The choir values its community involvement, regularly performing at charity fundraisers and local events. It also hosts an annual Christmas concert, which has become a much-loved tradition in the South Wales area.
If you’re lucky enough to catch one of their concerts, you’ll hear the powerful sound of up to 100 male voices. Our performances are truly unforgettable, and we promise to leave you with a lasting musical memory.
Price £15
Proceeds from this concert will be donated to Prostrate Cancer UK.
Venue: St Thomas Church, Church Pl, Neath SA11 3LL
Date: Saturday 21st October 2023
Time: 7pm
Price £15.00

Andrew Vicari Exhibition
Andrew Vicari art exhibition at St Thomas Church, Neath
10am - 4pm daily.
Free Entry
10am - 4pm daily.
Free Entry

The Silent Village Film
The Silent Village film talk and screening.

The Red Shoes
The Red Shoes Poster Exhibition.

Harry Potter Welsh Reading
Harry potter Welsh reading of the Philosopher's Stone.

Welsh Story Time and Crafts with Magi-Ann.

Horatio Clare children’s reading
Horatio Clare children’s reading, Aubrey and
the Terrible Yoot!
the Terrible Yoot!

Gwenfair Griffith
Gwenfair Griffith (gol. / ed.) Fy Stori Fawr -
Welsh language event
Welsh language event

The Story of Dic Penderyn
Dic Penderyn talk with Sally Roberts Jones.

Watercolour Masterclass
Phil Alder
Thursday 19th October
11am - 4pm
His class will explore using watercolour 'dry on dry' with a particular emphasis on using the brush as an expressive tool recording rhythm and texture rather than soley a means of carrying the medium in washes.
Bydd ei ddosbarth yn archwilio defnyddio dyfrlliw 'sych ar sych' gyda phwyslais arbennig ar ddefnyddio'r brwsh fel arf mynegiannol i gofnodi rhythm a gwead yn hytrach na dull unigol o gario'r cyfrwng mewn golchiadau.
Thursday 19th October
11am - 4pm
His class will explore using watercolour 'dry on dry' with a particular emphasis on using the brush as an expressive tool recording rhythm and texture rather than soley a means of carrying the medium in washes.
Bydd ei ddosbarth yn archwilio defnyddio dyfrlliw 'sych ar sych' gyda phwyslais arbennig ar ddefnyddio'r brwsh fel arf mynegiannol i gofnodi rhythm a gwead yn hytrach na dull unigol o gario'r cyfrwng mewn golchiadau.

Acrylic Masterclass
Bert Evans
Friday 20th October
11am - 4pm
A bilingual class led by Bert Evans. Born and bred in Port Talbot, Bert attended Newport Art College from 1967 - 1972 which gave him such an essential grounding in the understanding of colour theory, composition and a bold, figuartive approach to painting.
Dosbarth dwyieithog dan arweiniad Bert Evans. Wedi'i eni a'i fagu ym Port Talbot, mynychodd Bert Goleg Celf Casnewydd o 1967 - 1972 a roddodd sylfaen mor hanfodol iddo yn y ddealltwriaeth o ddamcaniaeth lliw, cyfansoddiad ac agwedd feiddgar, ffigurol at beintio.
Friday 20th October
11am - 4pm
A bilingual class led by Bert Evans. Born and bred in Port Talbot, Bert attended Newport Art College from 1967 - 1972 which gave him such an essential grounding in the understanding of colour theory, composition and a bold, figuartive approach to painting.
Dosbarth dwyieithog dan arweiniad Bert Evans. Wedi'i eni a'i fagu ym Port Talbot, mynychodd Bert Goleg Celf Casnewydd o 1967 - 1972 a roddodd sylfaen mor hanfodol iddo yn y ddealltwriaeth o ddamcaniaeth lliw, cyfansoddiad ac agwedd feiddgar, ffigurol at beintio.

Gel Printing Masterclass
Lesley Dearn
Saturday 21st October
11am - 4pm
Mixed media artist Lesley Dearn will introduce this quick, playful method of mono-printing with gel plates, suitable for complete beginners and experience artists alike. Gel printing is a wonderful way to create unique images without the need for traditional drawing or print-making skills. Create beautiful images, generate ideas, experiment with colour and explore a different way of working in this relaxed class.
Bydd yr artist cyfryngau cymysg Lesley Dearn yn cyflwyno’r dull cyflym, chwareus hwn o fono-brintio gyda phlatiau gel, sy’n addas ar gyfer dechreuwyr pur ac artistiaid profiadol fel ei gilydd. Mae argraffu gel yn ffordd wych o greu delweddau unigryw heb fod angen sgiliau lluniadu neu wneud printiau traddodiadol. Creu delweddau hardd, cynhyrchu syniadau, arbrofi gyda lliw ac archwilio ffordd wahanol o weithio yn y dosbarth hamddenol hwn.
Saturday 21st October
11am - 4pm
Mixed media artist Lesley Dearn will introduce this quick, playful method of mono-printing with gel plates, suitable for complete beginners and experience artists alike. Gel printing is a wonderful way to create unique images without the need for traditional drawing or print-making skills. Create beautiful images, generate ideas, experiment with colour and explore a different way of working in this relaxed class.
Bydd yr artist cyfryngau cymysg Lesley Dearn yn cyflwyno’r dull cyflym, chwareus hwn o fono-brintio gyda phlatiau gel, sy’n addas ar gyfer dechreuwyr pur ac artistiaid profiadol fel ei gilydd. Mae argraffu gel yn ffordd wych o greu delweddau unigryw heb fod angen sgiliau lluniadu neu wneud printiau traddodiadol. Creu delweddau hardd, cynhyrchu syniadau, arbrofi gyda lliw ac archwilio ffordd wahanol o weithio yn y dosbarth hamddenol hwn.

Oil Painting Materclass
Gus Payne
Sunday 22nd October
11am - 4pm
The class will be a step-by-step class, recreating one of the artist's paintings, using his same techniques.
Bydd y dosbarth yn ddosbarth cam wrth gam, yn ail-greu un o baentiadau’r artist, gan ddefnyddio ei un technegau.
Sunday 22nd October
11am - 4pm
The class will be a step-by-step class, recreating one of the artist's paintings, using his same techniques.
Bydd y dosbarth yn ddosbarth cam wrth gam, yn ail-greu un o baentiadau’r artist, gan ddefnyddio ei un technegau.

Collage & Book Art
Scott Keenan
A Collage and Book Art workshop where you can create a collaged piece of art using a variety of materials such as old books.
Gweithdy Celf Collage a Llyfr lle gallwch greu darn o gelf collage gan ddefnyddio amrywiaeth o ddeunyddiau megis hen lyfrau.
A Collage and Book Art workshop where you can create a collaged piece of art using a variety of materials such as old books.
Gweithdy Celf Collage a Llyfr lle gallwch greu darn o gelf collage gan ddefnyddio amrywiaeth o ddeunyddiau megis hen lyfrau.

Felt Flowers
Svetlana Lilley
As part of Neath's Art & Literature Festival, Svetlana Lilley is running an amazing flower felting class. There are eight places available for 10am-12pm. We also have an afternoon session if that would be more convienient.
Fel rhan o Ŵyl Celf a Llenyddiaeth Castell-nedd, mae Svetlana Lilley yn cynnal dosbarth ffeltiog blodau anhygoel. Mae wyth lle ar gael ar gyfer 10am-12pm. Mae gennym hefyd sesiwn prynhawn os byddai hynny'n fwy cyfleus.
As part of Neath's Art & Literature Festival, Svetlana Lilley is running an amazing flower felting class. There are eight places available for 10am-12pm. We also have an afternoon session if that would be more convienient.
Fel rhan o Ŵyl Celf a Llenyddiaeth Castell-nedd, mae Svetlana Lilley yn cynnal dosbarth ffeltiog blodau anhygoel. Mae wyth lle ar gael ar gyfer 10am-12pm. Mae gennym hefyd sesiwn prynhawn os byddai hynny'n fwy cyfleus.

Your Alice Monoprint
Vivian Rhule
Vivian Rhule will be running a monoprinting workshop here in Studio 40. Come along for a great afternoon of creative printmaking inspired by Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Bydd Vivian Rhule yn cynnal gweithdy monoprintio yma yn Stiwdio 40. Dewch draw am brynhawn gwych o wneud printiau creadigol wedi’u hysbrydoli gan Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hud
Fully Booked!
Vivian Rhule will be running a monoprinting workshop here in Studio 40. Come along for a great afternoon of creative printmaking inspired by Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Bydd Vivian Rhule yn cynnal gweithdy monoprintio yma yn Stiwdio 40. Dewch draw am brynhawn gwych o wneud printiau creadigol wedi’u hysbrydoli gan Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hud
Fully Booked!
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